Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Iranian Connection: Part V

Top spy: Iran training Iraqis to use explosives

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran is training anti-American Iraqi Shi'ites at sites inside Iran and Lebanon in the use of armor-piercing munitions blamed for the deaths of 170 U.S. troops in Iraq, the top U.S. intelligence official said on Tuesday.

The case against Iran becomes stronger everyday. It is merely a matter of time until this reaches a boiling point. Now the big question, I think, is this: Are we going to wait until Iran is a nuclear power or take them out before that happens?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So..it's OK for us to talk about 'taking out' Iran, but when they use that language about Israel it's World War 3?

There is NO case against Iran except that they sell oil in Euros (and their opposition to american cultural/economic expansionism, which doesn't count because, clearly, anyone opposed to these things doesn't belong on the planet..)